Brother Broken

Welcome to What's in my Video Library Blog

The only thing I like more than books is Movies, but I am very select on genre. If a movie doesn’t both, make me laugh and make me cry, then it doesn’t rate as well. When a film moves me, I look to see if a book exists. I usually find that the book is even better than the movie.

This is a very cool movie: “The Young and Prodigious T. S. Spivet

You’ll find it on Netflix. It has all the elements of a great movie, which are: it made me laugh, it made me cry. What makes it even better is that it is a Canadian film. I’d take this one over any canned Hollywood or Disney production with its predictable plot… eg: superhero wins the day, again.

And… there’s a book. Written by Author Reif Larsen, which I will read soon. Here’s its link in Goodreads:

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