Brother Broken

Welcome back again.

It's the weekend and I hope you have great plans to enjoy it.

Here's more info about Brother Broken. I will let the book tell you a bit about the Canadian setting: 

At any given time, the population of our village never exceeded one hundred. It occupies a very small piece of ground in north western Saskatchewan. The community sits on the edge of northern boreal forest. Farming is the area's main industry. Our village borrows its name from the Cree language. The word is Makwa which translates as loon. Most would agree that the name Makwa holds a nicer flavour than its English counterpart, especially since the word loon holds two meanings. One signifies an aquatic bird that frequents the nearby lakes. The other alludes to a not-so-flattering term describing a state of mind. Strange things can happen in Makwa, so in either sense the name fits the village. For what it's worth, Makwa exists on the opposite side of bush-line from normal. Being normal is boring and Makwa was anything but boring.

Brother Broken


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